Kingdom of God
This is a summary of Ps.Daniel Yunan's Sermon on Sunday, Sep.14th 2008. Ps. Daniel Yunan is our pastor in IFGF Nagoya and Osaka. He came to IFGF Tokyo and ministered us. He has been living in Japan since his student time, now he has got a family and two children, robably nearly 20 years. Kingdom of God. What do we usually have in a Kingdom? 1. King 2. Territory 3. Authority 4. Citizens Psalm 8: 3-4. How small we are, there is nothing to b e boast of/proud of. It is because of God. God has chosen us and given us His grace. It is up to us to respond to Him, so He may reveal Himself to us. james 2:5. So honor God and His calling and his grace to you. If we are th citizens of theKingdom of God, what should we do? We should .... 1. Worship Him (Psalm 99:5) 2. Submit to Him (Acts 5:25) 3. Give Him offering (Prov.3:9) Psalm 121: 1-3; Luke 10:17; John 10:10 As citizens of the Kingdom of God, what shall we receive? 1. We receive protection 2. receive authority 3. receive abundant blessings...