Cinderella is Japanese!
Yesterday, 15th Feb. 2012, I was teaching 3-2 class with Mrs. Sakurai as the homeroom teacher, a student said that Cinderella was Japanese. After the 5 little monkey story, we had a culture sharing time. During that time, I showed them a picture of Hans Christian Andersen and I told them some stories he wrote and collected. Some children said that the picture was Bach or Mozart. In their music room, there are pictures of old famous world musicians, such as Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Beethoven, Schubert, etc. So they thought that H.C. Andersen as one of those classical composers. Then, I asked them to mention Japanese Folk tales. Some of them could mention the stories correctly, such as Momotaro, Kintaro, Urashimataro, Isshinboshi, Kaguyahime, etc. Some of them mentioned Disney's stories. The kids could not distinguish between the folktales and new made stories such as Disney's and Manga (Japanese comics). One of the students said Cinderella. The homeroom teacher replied that it was ...