We are called "Servant"

Sunday Service, Dec.28th,2008, GBI Mawar Saron Kelapa Gading, Jakarta.
Sermon by Rev.Jacob Nahuway.
Matthew 25:14-30
1. A trustable servant
Can God Trust me? Does God trust me? God will reveal His plans to trustable people.
Do I have the characters that are required?
2. An able servant
Prov.22:29 Be skillful so that you may be successfull. Do not say, "Sorry, I can't" or
"Don't choose me", but say, "Yes, I can."
3. A skillful servant
Jesus' life was full of miracles. There were miracles when he was born, there were miracles
when he lived, there were miracles when he died, there will be miracles when he comes for
the second time. Our life should be like that too, full of miracles.
4. A loyal and faithfull servant
God is loyal and faithfull to us. Loyality and faithfullness is God's characters, so we should
depict God's characters because we are created according to His image.
Prov.2:8 God takes care of His faithfull servants.
5. A productive servant
verse 29. Characters will determine your success. Honest servant will be trusted with more.
If your boss ask you to buy something and there is some change, return the money to your
boss, although it is only 5 rupiah or 10 rupiah. Honesty! If you can return the small amount of
money you can return the big amount of money.
Time is a gift from God, so use your time effectively. We can not turn back the time, so we
need to use it wisely.
Two things that may influence your life:
a. books you read
b. friends you mingle with
So be careful of what you read and what you put into your mind. Be watchful with whom you associate.
Let us enter year 2009 with a believing heart that God is with us.


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