Spirit-led Life

This is the sermon from Our Pastor on Sunday, March 1, 2009

But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. (John 16:7)

Lord Jesus said that, "It is for your good that He is going away, so that he will send the Holy Spirit to us." Gift of Holy Spirit is for our benefit because of that, our life led by the Holy Spirit will be wonderful.

What is so special about Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit is called "The Counselor". In the world, there is no one that does not need counseling. For that reason, we need counseling and comforting from the Holy Spirit in any circumstances. He may comfort us and his comforting is perfect.

It is the work of Holly Spirit to confess our sins. Many times it is easy for us to judge others and see their weaknesses, however, it is difficult for us to see our frailties and sins. If we let Holy spirit lead our lives, we will know our weaknesses shortly and repent soon. It is because we are led by the Holy Spirit in the way of holiness. The Holy Spirit also teaches and lead us into all righteousness. Living in righteousness is a life that is free from fears. There is nothing to hide because we had righteousness in our life. The life led by the Holy Spirit frees us from hypocrisy so other people can see the truth, that is Jesus Christ himself. He is truly real in our life.

In summary, the life led by the Holy spirit is truly beneficial for us. Let us open our heart to be led by the Holy Spirit.

When I was listening to the sermon, I was reminded of the background situation of the.story The verses were taken from the book of John 16. Jesus consoled his disciples who were in grief. He said, "Do not let your heart be troubled". Although at that time, Jesus himself was also in a difficult time. His heart troubled too. At that moment, Holy Spirit revealed to me, Jesus and his disciples knew that the time was near, very close, that they would be separated. The close bound between Jesus and his disciples were about to end. Therefore Jesus said, "It is for your good, that I am going away. ... "

I realized that how Jesus loved his disciples so much that it was terribly hard for him to separate from them, as well. For 3 years and a half, they had been together all the time, but then it was time for them to be separated. Jesus also promised them that they would see each other again. In that time no one could take away their joy. Have you ever had a difficult parting time with your close friend or a member of your family?

When I read the following chapter (Chapter 17), It is Jesus prayer for his disciples and all believers. He loves us so much and I know that he loves me so much.


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