On the day of your departure, tabitachi no hi ni

Popular Graduation song of Japanese schools.
It was composed by a music teacher and lyriced by the principal of Kagemori Junior High School in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture in 1991. Chichibu is a mountainous area in Saitama. So no wonder this song includes the mountain range that looks like waves of the sea.

Tabitachi no Hi ni
On the day of your departure

白い光の中に 山並みは萌えて
shiroihikarino nakani yamanamiwa moete
in the streaming white light, the mountain's waves come to sight

はるかな空の果てまでも 君は飛び立つ
harukanasorano hatemademo kimi wa tobitatsu
though the sky may seems endless out there, you can still fly high

限りなく青い空に 心ふるわせ
kagirinakuaoisorani kokorofuruwase
in that big blue sky, my heart trembles

自由をかける鳥よ 振り返ることもせず
jiyuu wo kakeru toriyo furikaerukotomosezu
but birds that fly towards freedom, will never look back

勇気を翼に込めて 希望の風に乗り
yuki wo tsubasani komete kibounokazeninori
Let those wings of courage soar you high, ride on the wind of hope

この広い大空に 夢を託して
konohiroioosorani yume wo takushite
in this vast sky, build your dreams

懐かしい友の声 ふとよみがえる
natsukashiitomonokoe futoyomigaeru
How I miss those days, when I could hear voices of my friends around me

意味もないいさかいに 泣いたあの時
imimonai isakaini naita ano toki
when we had small, petty disputes, we cried over those disputes

心通った嬉しさに 抱き合った日よ
kokorokayotta ureshisani dakiattahiyo
when our hearts were filled with happiness, we embraced each other

みんな過ぎたけれど 思い出強くだいて
minnasugitakeredo omoidetsuyokudaite
although from here we will go separate ways, our hearts will remain close

勇気を翼に込めて 希望の風に乗り
yukiwotsubasanikomete kibounokazeninori
Let the wings of courage soar you high, ride on the wind of hope

この広い大空に 夢を託して
konohiroi oosorani yume o takushite
in this vast sky build your dreams

今 別れの時 飛び立とう 未来信じて
ima wakarenotoki tobitatou mirai shinjite
now, it may be time to part, but our future is beginning to take a flight, believe it
はずむ 若い力 信じて
hazumu wakaichikara shinjite
believe that we can make a difference (believe in your youth strength)
この広い この広い 大空に
kono hiroi kono hiroi oosorani
in this boundless vast sky

今 別れの時 飛び立とう 未来信じて
ima wakarenotoki tobitatou mirai shinjite

はずむ 若い力 信じて
hazumu wakaichikara shinjite

この広い この広い 大空に

kono hiroi kono hiroi oosorani

Listen to the song by SMAP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLyZG3EtnpA


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