Christmas message on Dec.25th, 2011

This is the message of Ps. Jacob Nahuway on Sunday, Dec.25th 2011 at GBI Mawar Saron, Kelapa Gading. The message spoke to me and freshened my heart and mind.

Full and complete preparation is needed for delivering God's message. As a pastor, he/she should prepare it well. What message should we deliver for the people? Pastors should deliver the message that speaks God's truth, based on God's truth (according to the bible), motivates people, gives guidance and answers people's needs. Personally, it speaks to me that I must prepare myself and the message well before I deliver it to people; therefore, I need to discipline myself to allot time for the preparation.

There are 3 people that are involved in our blessings. In other words, we need to share our blessings with these 3 kinds of people. Who are they?
1. We and our descendants (children, grandchildren, family)
2. Levites (God's servants: our pastors, reverends, missionaries)
3. Foreigners/outsiders (pauper, poor people, orphans)

God gives the same facilities for us all. Success depends on yourself. It depends on how you think, how you see yourself. What are God's facilities for us?
1. 2 Sam.22:7

1 raj.4:29 Allah memberikan hikmat dan pengertian kepada Salomo yg amat besar.
Akal yg luas seperti dataran pasir. Setiap orang diberikan waktu yg sama, 365 hari dalam setahun. Jangan malas.

Yes.54:2 lapangkan ....
harus rela berkorban
Paulus menasihat jemaat korintus 1 :10
kearifan kekuatan kemuliaan
dengan kasih setia

2. anugrah Tuhan pemberian yg melimpah

3. Ada supply dari Tuhan


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