Koyasan Trip, August 22nd - 25th 2017

If you need, rent Koyasan audio guide 500 yen from the tourist center. I did not rent it.

7:00 arrived at Willer bus office Umeda building. Walked to Umeda station for Midosuji line. Get off at Namba station. This is how to walk from Willer Bus Office to Umeda Station.

Walk along the Willer Bus Office (Umeda building is on your right), go straight, turn left, walk down the tunnel, walk up the stairs, cross the junction, turn right at the intersection, go straight, go along the building, keep the building on your left side.
8:00 Change voucher of Nankai Namba Koyasan World Heritage Ticket 
8:19 got on the train, change at Hashimoto sta. Total commuting: 2 hrs.
Take the front train car. Koyasan train has only 2 cars. 
9:11 arrived at Hashimoto, transfer to Koyasan train
9:56 arrived at Gokurakubashi
10:01 got on a cable car
10:06 arrived at Koyasan station 
10:12 got on a bus to Okunoin 
10:30 Arrived at Okunoin Mae, walked to Guest house Kokuu, check in
11:40 going out, had lunch 

12:20 took a bus to Daimon 
12:30 got off at Daimon 
Went to Danjyougaran 

Kongoubuji - nice garden- they served free tea and crackers.

Reihokan - museum of Buddha statues and paintings - not good place to visit. The atmosphere was damp, scarry and depressing. After coming out, I felt free.
Dinner at a convenience store, Daily Yamazaki, behind the post office. There was a meat shop that sold delicious croquette.
At 5 pm, everything was closed.
Second Day, 24th August.
4:50 got up
5:10 got out, walked to Okunoin to see the priests bringing breakfast boxes

6 - 7 am priest chanting morning prayer. No picture taking, no recording.
8:00 took a bath, had breakfast, cleaning up, tidying up.
8:42 took a bus back to Koyasan sta.
9:00 arrived at Koyasan station
9:07 going down by cable car
9:12 arrived
9:18 going to Hashimoto
I took a Video of nice town Kudoyama

10:19 from Hashimoto to Namba Nankai
11:08 arrived at Namba
Walked to OCAT, stored my bags in Locker
Going to Abeno Harukas, Kintetsu Department store.

From JR Namba, go to Tennoji sta.天王寺、yamatoji line 大和、choose higashiguchi east exit. Masuk lewat Solaha.
Tennoji and Shin Imamiya, there are 2 different lines, one goes to Osaka loop line and Kansai airport; another one goes to JR Namba.
Namba walk keluar B10 or B14 or B13.
Shinsaibashi suji dan Ebisubashi suji
Zara, UNIQLO, H n M, underpass Crysta
21:20 willer bus to Shinjuku.
August 25th.
6:50 arrived at Shinjuku bus terminal.
Go home with Takasaki line
How to go around Koyasan.
Koyasan sta. Take a bus 20 minutes to Daimon.
From Daimon, walk 5 min.To Danjyougaran 壇上伽藍.
Walk 2 min. To Koyasan Daishi Kyoukai Honbu 高野山大師教会本部 - copying Sutra.
Walk 3 min. To Kongoubuji 金剛峯寺 Japanese garden
Walk 10 min. To Karukayadaou 苅萱堂 arts, painting
Walk 50 min. Or take a bus to Okunoin 奥之院 -- see temple.
Walk to Koyasan guesthouse Kokuu
Alternative Route 2
1. From Koyasan sta. Take a bus to Daimon 20 min
2. From Daimon, walk 14 min. To Danjyougaran
3. From Danjyougaran, walk 5 min. To Koyasan Koyasan Reihokan 霊宝館
4. From Reihokan, walk 5 min. To Kongoubuji 金剛峯寺
5. From Kongoubuji, take a bus to Okunoin 奥之院 6 min.
6. From Okunoin take a bus to Tokugawa Kereidai 徳川家霊台
7. From Kereidai, walk 15 min. To Nyonindou 女人堂
8. From Nyonindou, take a bus to Koyasan sta. 5 minutes

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