The Four Blessed Looks
1. Look back and Thank God.
2. Look forward and Trust God.
3. Look around and Serve God.
4. Look within and Find God!'
"Bagaimana aku mendapatkan yang terbaik dari hidup, tanyaku pada Allah?"
God said, 'Face your past without regrets.
Jawaban Allah, "hadapi masalalumu tanpa penyesalan."
"Handle your present with confidence."
"Kerjakan masasekarangmu disertai keyakinan."
"Prepare for the future without fear!''
"Persiapkan untuk masadepan tanpa ketakutan."
'Without God, our week is:
Sinday - hari perbuatan dosa
Mournday - hari kepedihan
Tearsday - hari cucuran airmata
Wasteday - hari kesia-sian
Thirstday - hari penuh kehausan
Fightday - hari penuh pertengkaran
Shatterday - hari kekacauan
So, allow Him to be with you every day!'