Sweet Coconut Cake

Use all purpose flour 2 cups, it depends on your need. If you just want to serve 4 - 5 people in one serving, 2 cups are enough. There are several types of flour, flour for making bread, all purpose, pancake, starch, maizena, soba flour, etc. For this cake, I used all purpose flour. It gives a light texture. Sieve the flour, put some sugar, baking powder (2 tea spoonfuls) and brown sugar. If you want it sweet, put more white sugar or brown sugar. I never use grams nor measures because I prefer mild taste.

Put half of the coconut powder sachet, if you want thick flavour, finish one sachet. Mix them well.

Beat one egg. Mix them. I do not have an electric mixer so I just use a spoon with more minutes and strength to stir them well. Mix them with electric mixer will give a soft texture to the cake.

Put some butter/margarine. Butter will give a nice aroma to your cake so pay attention to the type besides the calories. I use Canola butter with half calories. The usual type of butter contains 640 calories per 100 grams, but Canola Butter contains 240 calories. Last week, my friend gave me a piece of brownie cake, it looked nice, but when I ate it, there was a strange smell and taste of the cake. I realized that what butter or margarine she used, it is just a greasy bulky type. The cheap bulky one will give a strange greasy taste and a bit smelly (in Indonesian, bau apek).

Preheat the oven to 170 degree celcius for 10 minutes.
Grease the pan with the butter/margarine you use for the cake.
Put the mixture into the pan.
Garnish with raisins and dried fruits.
Bake it for 25 minutes.
If you use smaller pan, the dough will be thicker, so bake it for 35 - 40 minutes.


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