Living in Your Dreams

The word of God says, “where there is no vision the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18), a free translation of that verse will be “without a vision, people will perish.” Vision is like a dream that will drive us to the future. Now the question is “how can we be a professional dreamer?” What are the characteristics of a dearmer?
1. A dreamer finds a hope for the future.
Many people do not dare to dream, especially when they face a difficult situation in their private life or nation/country. They are afraid to dream and hope. To dream is considered something useless and it is sometimes derided by other people. In fact, “To dream” is Holy Spirit language! When you read Joel 2:28-29, God’s Word wrote about people who received dreams.

Do you have dreams?
• What do you desire?
• Where are you going?
• What are you going to do?
• What are your plans?

2. A dreamer trust God for his future.
Proverbs 3:3-6 reminds us to trust in God with all our heart for our future. A dreamer also believes that God himself puts those dreams in his heart in order to accomplish His plans and will in the world.

3. Dream 50:20 must live in you.

Joseph was a professional dreamer who held on to his dream, until one day that dream came true. There was a chance for him to revenge his brothers. However, Joseph had the eyes of 50/20 (Genesis 50:20). The attitude of a true dreamer, he does not impose his dreams, he is not worried that his dream will disappear and he does not hurry. Eventually, God will make everything good and useful, in spite of anything happens to him.

Do you have a dream? The beginning of this year is a good time to dream and trust it to God. Do not ever yield. Do not ever stop dreaming. Because God lives in your dreams to bring you fulfill His plans and His calling.

God Bless! (source:


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