Speed up, Lord! You're too late!

One day my husband and I came home really late at night and we were starving. As a nice gentleman, my husband told me to take shower while he prepared our dinner. Without any argument, I gave him the instruction on how to put our frozen dinner into the oven and then rushed into the shower.

Shortly after my shower, I smelled something burning from the kitchen. I rushed into the kitchen and asked my husband, “Babe, did you smell the burning?” Looking funny, my husband told me that he burned our dinner. He told me that he saw the instruction to bake the food at 325 degree. However, he thought if he increased the heat 100 degree more the baking time would be faster. Listening to my husband's explanation, I didn’t know whether I should be angry or laugh at it. The only thing that I knew in that instant, God reminded me of “God’s timing”.

In one point or another, we all have to wait; waiting for our legal status to stay in US, waiting for the job or the most common one: waiting for our princess or prince charming to come. We all have to do the most undesired thing: “WAITING”. And just like my husband who tried to speed up the process, we all do that too. Instead of letting God do His work, we try to help Him using our own way. For example: when Abraham was waiting for the promise child. He tried to help God by having a baby with his servant. However, it brought out the bad result instead of the blessing.

Consequently, if you are trying to speed up your waiting process, I have a word for you: “STOP intervening God!” He knows what He is doing and He will give it to you when you are ready. God is never too early so our faith can grow and He is never too late to rescue us. He will be on time!

The word of God in Isaiah 40: 31 say “Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” The key word here is “Hope”. Hope is they key to our faith. Faith that believe that God will never fail us or forget His promise even at the time we don’t see it.

So what are you waiting for today? My prayer that each of us can stand firm on His promise and never lose our Hope for His promise is “yes” and “amen”. Happy Waiting!

(written by Ms. Ronalda Mahakena, IFGF Bay Area)


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