100 % I'll do it!

To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey (Mat.25:15)

God does not want us to fail. God wants us to be the light and salt of the world for people around us.

Elbert Hubbard explained that successful people are those who try, not those who complain: those who work, not those who are idle; those who take responsibility, not those who escape from it; those who bear the burdens, not those who stand still; those who look ahead; those who give advice.

Charles Kingsley said, "Successful people are those who are always cheerful and hopeful, those who do his jobs with smile on their face, those who have the same attitude when facing opportunities and difficulties."

Levels of Success:

0% - I do not want
10% - I can not
20% - I do not know what to do
30% - I hope I can
40% - What’s this?
50% - I think I probably can do it
60% - I may do it
70% - I think I can
80% - I can
90% - I want
100% - I’ll do it

Use the talents we have and let us act and persevere (Rom5:3-5).

"Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best,” says Henry Van Dyke. Birds do not care of who sing the best; they just do what they naturally do. Instead of comparing our talents with others, let us give thanks to God for whatever we have and use them and put our hope in Him because if we don’t, we will be worthless.

(source :Christian’s stories)


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